The first website i visited was the first one "" i looked at this site for a couple of minutes and tried to find anything but there doesn't seem to be anything but a road and a landscape. I also tried clicking around to see if there were anything hidden links but i wasn't able to find any for a while but i found out you can actually drive and the road moves and the stars move and i don't know why but its a lot of fun to just stare at the movements.
I kind of like this site because of the mystery of "what am i supposed to do" and if you're kind of impatient you'll start clicking and thats when you see something move but your not sure so you click again then you just hold it down.
this site is pretty straight forward you move the bar in order to move the sun and you click on the different times in order to see what some lady is doing at that time during the day. there are many things i don't like about this website, it doesn't seem very creative its just a bunch of things happening during the day and although some of the little scenes look cool it doesn't stop me from noticing that the sun rises and sets on the same side of the earth.
I can't say i don't live everything however it looks like they really worked hard in order to make this all come together, and when the sun sets and rises i like the transition of the lights on the house and landscape.
this site is really beautiful actually i like the angle of the shot and how all the colors or bland but with a hint of red that makes it really pop. i don't really get the concept of the candles i lit them and i heard different tones but since it goes out before you can get another one going it seems kind of boring.
although this site has its flaws, like not really having a point that i am aware of, it is very beautiful in almost all aspects. The sound is really clean and when you start lighting the candles almost sends shivers down my spine. the visuals are nice on the eyes and when those little puffs of something come up your eyes dance around with them.