Matthew Barney was born on March 25, 1967 in san fransisco, california, he is a contemporary artist. Barney works in many mediums such as film, video, installations, sculpture, photography, drawing and performance art although he works in so many medium he has classified himself as a sculptor. Barney's best known work is the film series The Cremaster cycle, it had a very high budget by art film standards. Barney included many celebrities such as Norman Mailer, Ursula Andress, and Richarch Serra and he seems to have been able to live up to the expectations he had been given by the funders.
From the trailer is saw of the entire cycle i can say that i really like every piece of work that hes done in it, i love how creative the trailer is and although i haven't been able to find the actual videos i can honestly say i can't wait to see them if i do find them. The work that i selected to describe by Barney is Cremaster 1, it is a musical that was performed in bronco stadium in boise, idaho. In this there are 2 goodyear blimps above the arena and 4 air hostesses tend to each blimp and in the middle of each cabin is a white clothed table and its decorated by abstract sculptures from Vaseline and surrounded by clusters of grapes (green in one and purple in the other). The url for the cremaster cycle is